Sunday, January 11, 2009

Daily photo - Day 11

Yes, I am starting a new blog. I have a few, some of which are not active anymore. So, why another blog? Well, almost 2 years ago I took a photography class at a local junior college. I really enjoyed it. I loved the challenge and learning how to take photos in different modes. In the last year, as life has become more busy, my photography has become stale and pretty much only about taking photos of the kids, almost always in auto mode. It is hard to do much else when I am always with them and they are always moving making manual settings difficult without blurring things. I really want to work on my skills more and start trying to take better photos again. I am sure many of these photos will still be of the kids but hopefully they will be better quality.

I was inspired to do this and to start a separate blog for this task by my cyber friend "Fire Mom" at "Stop, Drop and Blog". We have never actually met, but we read each other's blogs and have a lot of similarities. She set up a new blog, "Stop, Drop and Photograph" just for her project 365 photos. I am actually not starting this until today, January 10th but I am going to post photos that I actually have taken the last 10 days so that I can have a photo a day . So, the first 10 photos will not be photographically interesting but hopefully they will get better. This first photo is for her since she always posts such great info on fire safety and other fire related information. This is Katherine at the children's museum.
I plan to have shorter posts with just a photo or two and a short description. If you are also an aspiring photographer who would like to try to take better pictures this year, I would love for you to join me in this challenge of taking a photo every day. We can spur one another one, share ideas, have themes to try out and link to one another's blog. Leave a comment if you are interested with your blog URL in the comments.

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